Brain Injuries


Let's face it, there is no type of injury that is more frightening and potentially life-altering than

a traumatic brain injury. The brain not only controls how we function, it makes us who we are.

When someone suffers a traumatic brain injury it can change everything - how (and even if) we

communicate, how we learn and think, how we move, even our basic personality can change.

Traumatic brain injury can take away memories and alter our emotions. Relationships with

family and friends can be profoundly effected.

 The effects of a traumatic brain injury (often referred to as "TBI") are sometimes profound and

clearly recognizable. Other times, however, the effects are subtle but can produce life-altering

changes. Someone who has sustained a TBI might seem perfectly "normal" to someone meeting

them for the first time or only distantly acquainted, but those closest to them know that they are

far from the person they were prior to their injury. Traumatic brain injuries are sustained in a

wide variety of ways, including automobile, bicycle, and motorcycle accidents, falls, blows to the

head and workplace injuries. Such injuries can even be caused by certain defective products and

repeated seemingly inconsequential concussions, like those being noticed now in former football

players, boxers, and other athletes.

 A severe TBI can be present even though the victim has no outward sign of injury. It happens

when some force causes the brain to impact the harder structures of the skull around it, causing

bleeding, bruising, and/or contusions involving brain tissue. How the injury effects the victim

depends on which part of the brain is affected.

 Another cause of brain injury is anoxia, or lack of oxygen to the brain. Anoxic brain injuries

are often seen in cases of near-drowning, birth trauma, surgical events and anesthesia errors.

Anoxic brain injuries occur whenever breathing is inhibited for a substantial period of time.

 Proving the existence and extent of a brain injury caused by the negligent or wrongful act of

another requires attorneys with knowledge and experience with these type of injuries.

Neurologists and neuropsychologists are often brought in to perform the extensive testing and

evaluation required to prove the existence and extent of such an injury. Where activities of daily

living or motor function are affected, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and/or speech

and language therapists may be brought in to establish and explain those impacts on the victim

and his/her family. And where the victim's ability to work is destroyed or impaired, vocational

rehabilitation experts, life care planners and economists must also be brought to the team to

assure that the victim is fully compensated.

 At Len Tillem and Associates, our team has extensive experience representing victims and

their families affected by traumatic brain injuries caused by the negligent or intentional conduct

of others. Recovering from or managing a brain injury can be long, complicated and extremely

difficult. Having the right lawyer in these circumstances is important both to assure that you are

appropriately compensated and that the claims process is as least disruptive to your life and

recovery as possible.

 If you or a loved one has been the victim of a traumatic brain injury, contact Len Tillem and

Associates for a free, no obligation consultation at our office, your home, or at another location

of your choosing.